The International Passive House Association (iPHA) was founded in 2010 to support the growing global Passive House community, disseminate information on the Passive House Standard and foster a greater public understanding of its significance. iPHA partners with independent Passive House organisations, called ‘affiliates’, all over the world. Over the years, iPHA has seen the number of affiliates and members grow to a massive number of 5000 members and 22 affiliates. This series of interviews highlights iPHA affiliates and their local activities and developments.

Passzívház Magyarország (Passive House Hungary) is an independent, bottom-up, member association. It aims to achieve energy savings, lower environmental impact and a more comfortable living environment in the Hungarian construction industry through the Passive House concept.
PH Hungary was founded in February 2009, on the occasion of the first Passive House in Hungary’s certification! PH Hungary is a founding member of iPHA and celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2019. Since its founding, the organization has grown organically and has an increasing impact on the Hungarian market and society.
The members include designers, builders, and suppliers for Passive House construction. Due to the lack of dedicated government support for Passive House construction, being a member of PH Hungary is more of a service than just for member benefits. People build Passive Houses because of various advantages, including affordability and energy efficiency, and members volunteer their best knowledge and abilities to growing PH in Hungary.
Activities to share information and transfer knowledge include conferences, open days, seminars, online events, training courses, certifications, translations, sales-related software and more.
Thanks to the members’ hard work and the proven, working Passive House concept, the number of members, partners, and supporters continues to grow steadily.

Growth and development
The Passive House standard is becoming very well known in the Hungarian market with the support of iPHA, PHI, and other partner organizations. The visibility of our association’s activities and conferences is growing as more design and building professionals turn to the Passive House Standard. Thanks to this, members have been involved in the design and construction of Passive House buildings throughout Hungary.

The greatest success is the very existence of the organization and the growing number of built Passive House projects and trained professionals!
The great strides that PH Hungary has made do not end here. We aim to continue this same pace of development in the upcoming years with renewed leadership and the support of interested stakeholders. We also intend to focus on the new market stakeholders, producers, retailers, and developers. Plans to increase the number of projects, to help researchers, academic members, and decision-makers are in place. Increasing the presence on social media and advancing capacity through the education market is also on the agenda.
Are you enjoying this new iPHA meet the affiliates series? If you are, make sure to come back every Tuesday to read about a new affiliate each time. You can find our previous interview with iPHA Affiliates here.