On the weekend of 10-11 March 2023, the 26th International Passive House Conference was held in Wiesbaden, Germany. Speakers, exhibitors, and participants from all over the world gathered to push energy efficiency forward.
After three years of pandemic-related abstinence, this in-person event boasted around 600 participants and featured a fully-booked exhibition floor. There were informative workshops, presentations, and stakeholder meetings. On Sunday, 12 March, there was also the opportunity to join one of the five building tours and explore interesting Passive House buildings first-hand.
To give you an idea of what the conference was like, we have collected some impressions from the participants.
“It was clear by the breadth of nationalities attendees and speakers represented at the #26intPHC, that global momentum is growing at an exponential rate. With new affiliates spearheading localised support in areas such as Latin America, new sets of opportunities and challenges can be explored with the international network. The conference is a great platform to do this, enabling us to create genuine connections, build collaborative relationships and foster a supportive culture across borders. It is a truly inclusive community, eager to welcome anyone who shares the values of improving the built environment.”
Kate Nason, part of the conference Advisory Committee and Australian Passivhaus Association‘s chairperson

Georgios Pediotakis, Dipl. Civil Engineer / Energy Consultant & Building Certifier at Passive House Institute

“I had the opportunity to catch up with old friends, colleagues and partners and experience new project aspects and challenges through interesting presentations. I also had the chance to connect in person with people who I only knew virtually until now and to get to know Passive House and energy efficiency experts from all over the world.
I am really happy for the rapid growth of the Passive House community and projects in my home country Greece but also Cyprus through the amazing work of the Hellenic Passive House Institute – Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Παθητικού Κτιρίου team and Milos Ilic .
During the Passive House tours on Sunday, we had the chance to visit cool Passive House projects with a variety of uses: an office with residential upper floors, a Kindergarten, a school, and an office building for the Ministry of Finances in Wiesbaden.”
“I am leaving #Wiesbaden today with the strong belief that #Passivhaus gains significant popularity in countries that were considered only as a niche so far, countries like #UK, #USA, #Canada. Private incentives and political decisions will show if they will turn Passivhaus projects as popular as in Central Europe.
Thank you Passive House Institute organising this conference which was in case a challenging one after the last 3, tough years.”
Vasilis Giannopoulos (MBA), Specifications Consultant at Internorm UK / Business Development Manager at Ecohaus SW Ltd / Passive House Designer & Trainer

“I’m still buzzing from attending the 26th International Passivhaus conference. Met so many people from all over the world, passionate about low energy and ecological design. Many conversations, many laughs, great to see people in 3d I had only seen on the screen before. Saw some fantastic presentations on great projects from around the world. Truly inspiring few days. Thank you all for being such wonderful passionate people and thank you to the Passivhaus Institute for putting on such a great conference. It was great to be there and thanks for allowing us the opportunity to present St Sidwell’s Point Passivhaus Leisure Centre project.”
Jason Fitzsimmons, Associate at Gale & Snowden Architects

Jose Sosa Rueda, CPHC, Architect, Passive House consultant, M.S Sustainably in the Urban Environment

Amazing weekend in Wiesbaden, Germany, for the Passive House Institute International conference! I am beyond grateful that I am part of this incredible building standard. #EffiencyNow
Almost 8 years ago I moved away from Panama to #NYC, to study sustainability and stumbled upon an elective class that turned out to be the lean version of the #passivehouse standard (thanks The City College of New York ). Since then there have been many challenges and learning experiences; plus certifications, connections, collaborations and professional development that drive my career and enthusiasm to bring energy efficient and comfortable buildings to the world.
“It was a pleasure to attend the 26th International Passive House Conference held by the Passive House Institute and iPHA in Wiesbaden, Germany. An inspiring forum full of #Passivhaus experts sharing their knowledge and experiences.
We took many ideas for our next Conference, so we will be waiting for you in Valencia!”
Rosalía García Sánchez, Arquitecta Técnica | Máster Arquitectura Bioclimática y Medio Ambiente | Passivhaus Designer
Praxis Resilient Buildings, Praxis Resilient Buildings: ingeniería para edificios saludables, confortables y con un consumo energético casi nulo
“This March was held the 26th International Passivhaus Conference in Wiesbaden, Germany, where our CEO Oliver Style and Project Manager Bega Clavero have been as Speakers at the conference, it has been great to enjoy another year of this wonderful and interesting experience and learn more every day of the #Passivhaus world. Thank you very much to Passive House Institute for the opportunity.”
Conference reports from other organisations
The iPHA Affiliate Passivhaus Trust and UK Passivhaus contingent were well represented at the 26th International Passive House conference. Click on the picture to read about their impressions from the 26th IPHC:

iPHA Affiliate Conferences 2023
If you are now in the mood to attend a Passive House Conference yourself, consider joining a local conference, hosted by our iPHA Affiliates all around the world.

Oh to travel to Wiesbaden, Germany to be at the conference. Next year perhaps!